2022 · Antonio Amaral. · Francia · 120 min


7th May @ 17:30 Golem Alhóndiga (Sala 2)


Yedel, Gulh and Kadath are astral entities from the cosmos. They stay on Earth by merging into the bodies and personalities of human beings: they call this “grafting”. What are they doing here? They don’t even know anymore. The grafts do not go well, they lead them into a self-destructive spiral. Fortunately, the door to leave Earth opens for them. Time is short, it will only remain open for seven days. After that they will be trapped here forever…


French director, screenwriter and producer. Self-taught, he has directed animated short films and in 2019 premiered his first feature film From Star to Star, awarded at a number of festivals around the world.

  • Director / Antonio Amaral.
  • Screenplay / Antonio Corvo.
  • Production / Antonio Amaral.
  • Music / Fabrice Richaud.
  • Edition / Baitong Wang.
  • Cast / Julien Darney, Mahamat Amine Benrachid, Elisabeth Mbaki, Ariane Louis, Marie-Myriam Lagny, Lucas Lettelier, Cyrille Mougas, Sam Rodrigues.