1972 · Eugenio Martín. · España- Reino Unido · 84 min


10th May @ 17:30 Golem Alhóndiga (Sala 2)


An English anthropologist has discovered a frozen monster in the frozen wastes of Manchuria which he believes may be the Missing Link. He brings the creature back to Europe aboard a trans-Siberian express, but during the trip the monster thaws out and starts to butcher the passengers one by one.


Born in Granada in 1925 and author of some cult films, he was in his element working in all genres. He made his directorial debut with the comedy Despedida de soltero in 1960. He would later direct various productions such as Las Leandras (1969), La vida sigue igual (1969, Bad Man’s River (1971), Horror Express (1972). Pancho Villa (1972), The Girl from the Red Cabaret (1973) or It Happened at Nightmare Inn (1973). His last film was La sal de la vida (1996).

  • Director / Eugenio Martín.
  • Screenplay / Arnaud d’Usseau, Julian Zimet.
  • Production / Bernard Gordon.
  • Music / John Cacavas.
  • Edition / Robert C. Dearberg.
  • Cast / Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Alberto de Mendoza, Silvia Tortosa, Julio Peña, Ángel del Pozo, Helga Liné, Alice Reinheart, José Jaspe, George Rigaud.