2021 · Jae-rim Han. · Corea del Sur · 147 min


6th May @ 22:30 Azkuna Zentroa Auditorium


Veteran chief police detective In-ho receives a tip about a man threatening a terrorist attack against a plane. Flight no. KI501 departs Incheon Airport for Hawaii, but soon afterwards a man dies for mysterious reasons. An emergency is declared: they need to find a way to land the plane.

Jae-rim Han.

He studied at the Seoul Institute of the Arts. His filmography as a director and screenwriter includes movies like Rules of Dating (2005), The Face Reader (2013) and The King (2017).

  • Director / Jae-rim Han.
  • Screenplay / Jae-rim Han.
  • Production / Chang-ju Back, Kim Do-soo, Zoo-Young Eum, Jae-rim Han.
  • Music / Byeong-woo Lee.
  • Edition / Song Kang-ho, Lee Byung-hun, Jeon Do-yeon, Kim Nam-gil, Park Hae-jun, Im Si-wan, Kim So-Jin