2020 · Joost van Hezik · Herbehereak - Netherlands - Países Bajos/ · 86 min


8th November @ 11:00 Azkuna Zentroa Auditorium


When the bored out evolutionary biology professor Maarten Moreau gets caught up in
a robbery, he accidentally gets hold of the weapon. Seized by a renewed appetite for
life, Maarten decides to keep the gun. A true romance blossoms between the boy and
the gun, not without consequences.

Joost van Hezik

Joost van Hezik graduated in 2010 as a director from the Amsterdam Theatre School.
While working as a repertoire theatre director, he decided to further school himself in
the art of cinema. He made his first steps in film directing with the absurd and surreal
drama series TreurTeeVee. In 2017 he directed the short film The Funeral of The Shy
and has now moved his focus completely to film. Boy Meets Gun is his feature film

  • Director / Joost van Hezik
  • Screenplay / Willem Bosch
  • Production / Ben Bouwmeester, Pieter Kuijpers, Layla Meijman, Iris Otten, Sander van Meurs, Martien Vlietman
  • Music / Christiaan Verbeek
  • Edition / Xander Nijsten
  • Cast / Eelco Smits, Victor Ijdens, Mara van Vlijmen, Helen Kamperveen, Phi Nguyen, Peter Bolhuis, Charlie Chan Dagelet, Wendy Vrijenhoek, Xander van Vledder, Mike Meijer, Floris van Roessel, Bobbie Bok, Bram Coopmans, Annelies Appelhof, Joost van Hezik