09:30h - Wednesday May 8


Sala 1 Cines Golem – Alhóndiga
Duration:107 min

Above the clouds lies a celestial casino where the Gods of heaven bet on the sorrows and joys of Earth for their own amusement. The Gods choose a newborn baby boy, Wang Sangui, and curse him with a strange affliction: everything he kisses falls into a deep slumber, and only true love can break the spell. Sangui embarks on a solitary journey to White Stone City, where he grows into adulthood and meets three women who alter his fate: Yuyu, who dreams of becoming a princess; "The Witch," a recluse who resides in an abandoned house; and Ting Ting, Sangui's childhood sweetheart. Along his quest to break the curse, Sangui uncovers the dark secret of the seemingly peaceful White Stone City.

Director:Siyi Liu

Director and writer, she has studied Media and Visual Arts in Tong Ji University and Film Production in Vancouver Film School. Her short film Cadence (2015) was selected by 13th China Independent Film Festival. Flaming Cloud is her debut feature film.

Cast & crew
Screenplay :Siyi Liu
Production :Franco Liu
Music :Wei Ding
Edition :Yifan Zhang
Cast :Xianxu Hu, Chen Yao, Yuniong Zheng, Ye Zhou, Yiran Zhou