19:45h - Thursday May 9


Sala 1 Cines Golem – Alhóndiga

Two couples decide to see a horror film at the local cinema. They are horrified to discover that other people in the cinema have started to turn into the demons on the screen, and they have to fight to save themselves.

Director:Lamberto Bava

Italian film director, born in Rome in 1944, recognized for his distinctive contribution to the horror genre, the thriller and the fantastic genre, in general. Films like Demons (1985) and Demons 2 (1986), written in collaboration with Dario Argento, have become classics of Italian horror cinema, standing out for their daring visual aesthetics and powerful storytelling.

Cast & crew
Screenplay:Dario Argento, Lamberto Bava, Dardano Sacchetti, Franco Ferrini.
Production:Dario Argento.
Music:Claudio Simonetti.
Edition:Piero Bozza, Franco Fraticelli.
Cast:Urbano Barberini, Natasha Hovey, Karl Zinny, Fiore Argento, Paola Cozzo, Fabiola Toledo, Nicoletta Elmi, Stelio Candelli.