2020 · Takeshi Kushida · Japan · 89 min


9th May @ 18:45 Golem Alhóndiga (Sala 2)


A misogynist photographer discovers for the first time in his life the joys of loving a woman, this one confused about her self-identity and self-esteem, by helping her in her perceptions of herself with his retouching skills.

Takeshi Kushida

Born in 1982, he is a member of Pyramidfilm in Tokyo. He has been responsible for various awarded film-works as Voice (2017), The Earth Was Bluish (2015), I Am a Camera (2013), Reincarnation (2008), Hide and Seek (2005), Kannnon (2004), and Flow (2003).

  • Director / Takeshi Kushida
  • Screenplay / Takeshi Kushida
  • Production / Shin Nishimura, Yousuke Sato
  • Music / Hitoshi Fushimi, Shigehiko Saito
  • Edition / Atsushi Gaudi Yamamoto
  • Cast / Hideki Nagai, Itsuki Otaki, Toshiake Inomata, Toki Koinuma