2021 · Júlia Marcos Lázaro, Daria Molteni, Marc Puig Biel, Sergi Rubio González · España · 63 min


10th May @ 19:50 Golem Alhóndiga (Sala 2)


Ove is a young man who has been treated and raised like a sheep all his life. His daily life consists of eating, sleeping, herding, and hanging out with LL, the only sheep in the flock who seems to accept him.

Júlia Marcos Lázaro, Daria Molteni, Marc Puig Biel, Sergi Rubio González

Graduates in Film Directing at the ESCAC school in Catalonia, in their last year of studies they co-directed the feature film Ovella, a work produced collectively by the students of the school’s film degree.

  • Director / Júlia Marcos Lázaro, Daria Molteni, Marc Puig Biel, Sergi Rubio González
  • Screenplay / Anton Casas, Joel Guisado Carmona, Carlos Robisco Peña, Pau Vidal Bosch
  • Production / Alison Gimeno, Raquel Torreño, Ana Villagra. Musika / Música / Music: Marc Little.
  • Music / Marc Little
  • Edition / Clàudia Munuera, Martina Sáez Savi
  • Cast / Nao Albert, Pep Cruz, Maria Pau Pigem, Marc Garcia Coté, Txell Aixendri, Victor Rebull, Vanessa Margó, Marta Ros, Christian Cánovas