2019 · José Luís Montesinos · Espainia – España- Spain · 87 min


11th November @ 18:30 Golem Alhóndiga (Sala 2)


An unfortunate accident leaves Elena, a young handicapped girl, isolated in a country house.
There she only has Athos, a specially trained dog to help her. But the dog has contracted a
strange disease and is not her best friend anymore.

José Luís Montesinos

Screenwriter and director who has won around 200 awards with his short films, including the
Goya Award with The Runner (2016). Ropes is his first feature-length film.

  • Director / José Luís Montesinos
  • Screenplay / Yako Blesa, José Luís Montesinos
  • Production / Arturo Méndiz, Carlos Pastor
  • Music / Arnau Bataller
  • Edition / Luís de la Madrid
  • Cast / Paula del Río, Miguel Ángel Jenner, Jordi Aguilar, Ana Terrasa, Irene Terrasa, Rubén García, Luís Porcar